While working on the Tidy Towns awards 2021 we were asked to rethink how the awards are presented.With restrictions, there is no longer a large public ceremony. So now the awards are now sent by courier or post to the recipients. Our challenge was to create a simple package, that was light but rugged enough, yet attractive, had simple external disc markings for Gold, Silver, and Bronze, and be made from environmentally responsible materials with less plastics.
The packaging comprises of paper envelopes, pulp packaging. cardboard, paper, printed Tidy Towns branding, and string box closers.
The medal holders are styled on 6th-century monastic beehive huts from Co. Kerry. The holders and each medal bear etched Tidy Town motifs of Water, Plant life, Heritage, and Architecture, all etched into the cherry or walnut veneered plywood beehive.
Congratulations to all who should soon receive their hard-fought medals for 2021 from the Tidy Towns organisers. We are delighted to bring our new design and make ideas to our clients at the Tidy Towns competition since 2006. Should your organisation require a new look at your awards or design and making requirements contact us now!